East Coast Innovation: The Tidal Bay Community Land Co-operative

The Tidal Bay Community Land Co-operative was created as a result of a community housing land trust model project.

The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) and The Community Housing Management Network (The Network) collaborated on a land trust model project that started in mid 2022 and was completed in March 2023. The incorporation of TBCLC steamed from findings in the project which included research (jurisdictional scan of Community Land Trusts in Canada, research papers, interviews and engagement sessions) as well as decades of relevant hands-on experience

The purpose of Tidal Bay Community Land Co-operative is to secure, preserve and intentionally grow the supply of community housing in Nova Scotia. TBCLC will acquire, reposition and develop housing assets that will be owned and maintained by the Land Co-op. The assets will be leased to housing co-operatives who will then be able to focus on member and community engagement.

The governance structure of TBCLC currently includes three directors (the founding members). Once TBCLC acquires assets housing co-operatives will have the opportunity to become members of TBCLC and have a say in the governance.

The Board of TBCLC sets the strategic direction of the Co-operative, approves the budget, development projects, new members, policies, processes and procedures.

Housing co-operatives that lease from TBCLC will be responsible for budget approval, audit and auditor approval, establishing criteria for membership, membership engagement and education, and nominating and electing the Board.

For more information, contact tidalbaycommunity@gmail.com.


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